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Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 74

Cold Spring Harbor Blueprints and Maps Collection

Identifier: BPM

This is a collection of blueprints, surveys, drawings and maps, many with handwritten notes. Included are the original blue prints for many buildings at CSHL and topographical depictions grounds in the Village of Laurel Hollow and Nassau County that were leased or owned by the Carnegie Institute of Washington, Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Long Island Biological Association and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Dates: 1855-2000

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Audio Visual Collection

Identifier: AV

The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Audio Visual Collection consists of Hi-8s, Mini DVs, Audio Cassettes, DVDs and Analog Video Formats (Betacam, Betacam SP, D-3 ½ Digital, Professional Broadcast Video, Telecine), Video Cassettes and 1 inch Type C Helical Video Reels. The recordings are of lab scientists and events at both internal and external locations.

Dates: 1980-2011

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Clippings Collection

Identifier: CLIP

The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Clippings Collection is composed of 29 boxes of printed material which document both scientists and events at CSHL and the scientific community at large.

Dates: 1903-2011

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Collection

Identifier: CSHL

The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Collection contains papers of the members of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and The Long Island Biological Association from the years 1962-2010. The materials consist of correspondence, meeting notes, financial papers, fundraising papers and development plans. The collection is divided into 5 series: Series 1: Administration; Series 2: Development; Series 3: Financials; Series 4: Fundraising; Series 5: Science and Research.

Dates: 1923-1962

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Images Collection

Identifier: IMAGE

The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Images Collection consists of black and white and color negatives, slides, prints and CD-ROMs of digital images of people and events relating to ninety years of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory history.

Dates: 1921-2007

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meetings Abstracts Collection

Identifier: MAC

The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has hosted scientific meetings attended by both CSHL and external scientists since 1966. The CSHL Meetings Abstracts Collection is a catalog of the Meeting title, the Meeting Organizers, the Organizers’ affiliated institutions, and the physical location of the Abstract.

Dates: 1966-2019

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meetings and Courses Department Collection

Identifier: MC

The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meetings and Courses Department Collection consist of photographs and supporting documents from the Symposia, Meetings and Courses held at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Dates: 1890-2010

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Office of Technology Transfer Collection

Identifier: OTT

The bulk of the Office of Technology Transfer Collection documents CSHL’s first forays into the world of Biotechnology. Additional administrative files are part of the Collection which cover a variety of administrative issues.

Dates: 1972-1993; Majority of material found within 1981 - 1984

CSHL Annual History of Science Meetings Collection

Identifier: HOS
Dates: 2005 - 2016

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Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Archives 73
Development Area 1
Correspondence 30
Cold Spring Harbor (N.Y.) 28
Photographs 21
Laboratory Notebooks 11
Genetics 10
∨ more
Clippings (information artifacts) 9
Nobel Prizes 8
Reprints 8
Bacteriophages 7
Laurel Hollow (N.Y.) 7
Molecular Biology 7
Nobel Prize winners 7
Biotechnology 6
Human Genome Project 6
Eugenics 5
Slides (Photographs) 5
Washington (D.C.) 5
Administrative Records 4
Automated DNA Sequencers 4
Bacteriology 4
Biogen (Firm) 4
Cambridge (Mass.) 4
Laboratory Notes 4
Ledgers (Account Books) 4
Manuscripts 4
Maps 4
Meetings 4
Memorandums 4
Scrapbooks 4
Annual Reports 3
Awards 3
Cambridge (England) 3
Chicago (Ill.) 3
DNA Replication 3
Drosophila 3
Drosophila Genetics 3
Drosophila melanogaster 3
Electrophoresis Gel Migration 3
Film transparencies 3
Genetic recombination 3
Genetics--History. 3
Grant Proposals 3
Isolating mechanisms 3
Lantern slides 3
Long Island (N.Y.) 3
Membership lists 3
Memorabilia 3
Minutes 3
Nucleotide sequence 3
Patents-Japan 3
Plasmids 3
Sequencing 3
Tokyo, Japan 3
Typescripts 3
Yeast fungi 3
Yeast fungi Genetic engineering 3
Agent Orange 2
Albinos and albinism 2
Articles and Clippings 2
Articles and Reprints 2
Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA Molecules. 2
Bacterial genetics 2
Banbury Center 2
Base Sequencing 2
Biology 2
Biotechnology Patents 2
Blueprints 2
Botany 2
Brooklyn (N.Y.) 2
Caenorhabditis elegans 2
Cancer 2
Cancer--Research 2
Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd 2
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 2
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Press 2
Copenhagen (Denmark) 2
Course Outlines, Teaching Files and Lecture Notes 2
DNA Detection 2
DNA Restriction Enzymes 2
DNA--Structure 2
DVDs 2
Diaries 2
Drawings 2
Email Communications 2
Escherichia coli 2
Financial Records 2
Fund raising 2
Fund raising – research 2
Galley Proofs 2
Genetic Engineering 2
Genome Mapping and Sequencing 2
Grants and funding 2
Hamamatsu, Japan 2
Heredity 2
Homothallism 2
Human genome 2
Lab Notebooks 2
+ ∧ less
Polish 1
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 23
Davenport, Charles Benedict, 1866-1944 13
Watson, James D., 1928- 13
Carnegie Institution of Washington 9
Demerec, M. (Milislav), 1895-1966 9
∨ more
Long Island Biological Association (N.Y.) 9
Gilbert, Walter, 1932- 7
Blakeslee, Albert Francis, 1874-1954 6
Brenner, Sydney 6
Harris, Reginald Gordon, 1898-1936 6
Harvard University 6
Hershey, A. D. (Alfred Day), 1908- 6
Luria, S. E. (Salvador Edward), 1912-1991 6
Bush, Vannevar, 1890-1974 5
Carnegie Institution of Washington. Department of Genetics 5
Crick, Francis, 1916-2004 5
Delbrück, Max 5
Klar, Amar 5
McClintock, Barbara, 1902-1992 5
Stillman, Bruce 5
Witkin, Evelyn 5
Benzer, Seymour, 1921- 4
Cairns, John, 1923- 4
Carnegie Institution of Washington. Station for Experimental Evolution at Cold Spring Harbor, New York 4
Harris de Tomasi, Jane Davenport, 1897-1984 4
Hicks, James B. 4
Laughlin, Harry Hamilton, 1880-1943 4
Lederberg, Joshua 4
Meselson, Matthew, 1930- 4
Muller, H. J. (Hermann Joseph), 1890-1967 4
Stahl, Franklin W. 4
Stent, Gunther S. (Gunther Siegmund), 1924-2008 4
Strathern, Jeffrey N. 4
University of Chicago 4
American Philosophical Society 3
Baltimore, David 3
Banbury Center 3
Berg, Paul, 1926- 3
Biological Laboratory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.) 3
Branscomb, Elbert 3
California Institute of Technology 3
Dobzhansky, Theodosius, 1900-1975 3
Doty, Paul M., 1920-2011 3
Dulbecco, Renato 1914-2012 3
Dunn, L. C. (Leslie Clarence), 1893-1974 3
Ephrussi, Boris, 1901-1979 3
Fisher, Agnes C. 3
Gesteland, Raymond F. 3
Harkavy, Millia Davenport 3
Herr, Winship 3
Hooper, Franklin William, 1851-1914 3
Husimi, Yuzuru 3
Jacob, François, 1920-2013 3
MacDowell, E. Carleton (Edwin Carleton), 1887-1973 3
Mayr, Ernst, 1904-2005 3
Merriam, John C. (John Campbell), 1869-1945 3
Morgan, Thomas Hunt, 1866-1945 3
National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) 3
National Research Council (U.S.) 3
Pauling, Linus, 1901-1994 3
Perutz, Max F. 3
Riddle, Oscar (1877-1968) 3
Rockefeller University 3
Smith, Lloyd M., 1954- 3
Steitz, Joan A. 3
Sulston, John 3
Venter, J. Craig 3
Watson, Elizabeth L. 3
Zinder, Norton D. 3
Abramson, Harold A. (Harold Alexander), 1899-1980 2
Ackerman, Edward A. (Edward Augustus), 1911-1973 2
American Association for the Advancement of Science 2
Avery, Amos G. 2
Beadle, George Wells, 1903-1989 2
Berry, Andrew, Dr. 2
Blackburn, Elizabeth H. 2
Blackford, Eugene G. 2
Bridges, Calvin B. (Calvin Blackman), 1889-1938 2
Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences 2
Cantor, Charles R., 1942- 2
Capecchi, Mario R. 2
Carrano, Anthony V. 2
Charles DeLisi 2
Chovnick, Arthur 2
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory of Quantitative Biology 2
Collins, Francis S. 2
Columbia University 2
Davenport, Frances G. (Frances Gardiner), 1870-1927 2
Davenport, Gertrude Crotty 2
Davenport, W. E. (William Edwards) 2
De Forest, Henry W. (Henry Wheeler), 1855-1938 2
Dean, Bashford, 1867-1928 2
Finnery, Michael 2
Fisher, Irving, 1867-1947 2
Flavell, R. A. (Richard A.) 2
Friedberg, Errol C. 2
Glass, Bentley, 1906-2005 2
Hopkins, Nancy (Nancy H.) 2
Hunkapillar, Michael 2
Huxley, Julian, 1887-1975 2
+ ∧ less