Scrapbook Volume 1, 1911 - 1947
Scope and Contents
1-1 photographs: Group outside Blackford (no date given) including ____ Johnson; Charles B. Davenport Millia Davenport; Mrs.Davenport; Mrs. Alice Hall Walter; Annie Henchman; Kornhauser; Dr. Walter; Jane Davenport; Clyde Fisher; Arthur Harris; Pratt; Carlton MacDowell (listed people numbered on sheet)
1-3 photographs: Schaeffer;Pratt / Dr H.S. Pratt / Pratt; Schaeffer;Millia Davenport / A.A. Schaeffer / Pratt; Jean Peary; Millia Davenport Dr. H.S. Pratt not put on webpage
1-5 photographs: A.A. Schaeffer / Inner Harbor / People in Sailboat (no identification) / Year dated 1926
1-6 photographs: "The Ameba" (sic) 5 photos
Date 1905-1935 not on website
1-7 photographs:1933/34 dated / Wawepex;Jones building / Blackford building and car/ Carnegie Tents / Hooper building/ Edward Kornhauser; Emmy Lous Mudd; Harvey Mudd / ?;Conard / Buckholtz; Bridges / Calvin Bridges
1-9 photographs: Four Photos (seem as if they were clipped from publication) Panorama taken from Cannon Hill includes Wawepex laboratory, Blackford hall Hooper, Jones, Cottage / "The Physiology Lab" / George Lane Nichols Bldg. / John D. Jones laboratory and Blackford Hall
1-10 photograph: “The Doctor Walter B. James Memorial Laboratory"
1-11 photographs: 1934 (6) small photos panorama of lab. Pictures of a lake, boat, trees, and buildings
1-12 photographs: Photos dated 1935 / Blackford building 3 rolls royces / Blackford Hall / Nichols building / Dr. & Mrs. Kendall; Bill Castle; Evelyn Spieth; Herman Spieth; Bobby Castle / Jones; Hooper building/ Hooper Davenport Lab; "Teddy" (dog) / People on dock (no identified)
1-13 photographs: Dated 1935 / Whaling Dock Bob Gannt, Bim and Dotty Curtis, Jane Harris, Ken and Elizabeth Cole / Whaling Dock Reg Harris / Dredging Boat / Montauk Point / Montauk Point / Dredging Trip / (2) photos of unidentified people on beach
1-14 photographs: Dated 1935 Evelyn Spieth, Kay Hinchey / Cain; Spieth / Mabel Blum; Hal Blum, Stan Cain / Dr. Stanley Cain
1-16 photographs: Dated 1935 Harold (Pat) Mestre; Harold Blum; Mabel Blum; Jane Harris; Patsy Mestre / Pat Mestre; Jane Harris; Stan Cain; Patsy Mestre; Mabel Blum; Dana Ashley / Bim & Dotty Curtis; Ruth Van Olinda; Fred Brackett; Lucille Brackett; Hal Blum / Louisa Calder; Sandy Calder; Jane Harris; Patsy Mestre; Stanley Cain / Brackett Family / Pat Mestre; Mabel Blum; Patsy Mestre; Hal Blum / Blackford Front Port Karl Meyer; Mrs. Meyer / Stanley Cain; Jo & Bob Gaunt; Elsa & Martha Howland / Mudds and Mestres
1-17 photographs: Dated 1935 Dr. Reginald Harris and Jane Harris / Reginald Harris; Kastle / Missing photo as of 6/25/75 which included Patsy Mestre; Pat Mestre; Jane Harris; Reg Harris; Mabel Blum / Miss Cuzzart; Dr. Singer / Mildred and Stan Cain / Herman & Evelyn Spieth / Mildred Cain; Fred Brackett; Ed Hart / Cain, Spieth, Pennfound
1-18 photographs: Dated 1935 Dr. Corner, George Corner, Bob Gaunt / Ted Lytle, Betty Whitaker; Pfeiffer / Charles Tobin; Ed Hart; Maurice Keen / Don Burdick / Dr. Harris; Bim Curtis / Group shot of Ted Lytle, Harold Barrett, Betty Whitaker, Lloyd, Eleanor Yeakel and Charles Winter / Jones Laboratory
1-20 photographs: Hooper / (3) Panoramas One house shot, three landscapes unidentified
1/21 photographs: Harbor View includes Jones (3) lab shots unidentified
1-22 1935 Symposium Attendee List
1-23 Note by Susan Cooper "Program For 3rd Symposium in 1935 (1st and 2nd programs are not available)"
1-24 Symposia on Quantitative Biology 1935”
1-26 Schematic of participants in 1935 symposium with following names:
John MacLeod; no name for #2 George W. Corner; Richad Bear; Andre Voet; Francis McCoy; Carl C. Speidel; T.L. Smith; Bert Cunningham; no name for #10 Philip Richardson; Margaret Rheinberger; Jorgen E. Lehmann; Phillip Solomon; A.A. Schaeffer; Eugene Meyer; Homer Smith; Joseph Spencer; W. Randall Bell; David L. Davidson; Harold Barrett; H. Thomas Randall; no name for #23 Laurence S. Moyer; Samuel Morris; Howard J. Curtis; A.A. Schaeffer Jr; D.M. Gallagher; Stanley A. Cain; Phronsie Marsh; Dorothy Klem; Jane Harris; Vivian Behrmann; Edward Walzl; Charles Roh; Ernest Blanchard; Milton Berg; Ivon R.Taylor; Fredrick Avis; Mrs. A.M. Monnier; Jerome Bruner; George Kreezer; I. Sizer; George Cummins; Mary J. Brown; Harold A. Abramson; Theodore Lytle; Malcolm MacKensie: Marjorie VanOlinda; Annette Bacon; Mrs. Carl Speidel; M. Catherine Hinchey; Mrs. I. Sizer; Ruth E. Conklin; Hester Ann Corner; Mrs. Wyss; Otto Schmitt; Alexander Forbes; Detlev W. Bronk; David Climenko; Eric Ponder : McKeen Cattell; Francis O. Schmitt; Mrs. F.O. Schmitt; Georges Coppee; Arturo Rosenblueth; A. M. Monnier Jose Odoriz; Hallowell Davis; Ing. J.F. Toennies
1-27 photographs: Lehmann / Mrs. Monnier / Coppee, Lehmann / Hooper House / Shore Dinners at Leo Gerards
1-28 photographs: People in Jones / People at Beach studying / Mrs. VanCleave; Dr. Van Cleave; Evelyn Spieth; Herman Spieth; Bill Castle; Stan Cain / (2) photos of unidentified people one picture with a dog and one with people on the sidewalk
1-29 photographs: Spieth; Castle; Cain / Cain; Castle / Spieth; Castle; Cain two unidentified photographs one picture of men playing billiards a photograph of two women
1-30 photographs: Dated 1936 Eric Ponder / Dr. and Mrs. Schmidt / Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cole / Ruth Van Olinda / Bobby and Sandra Abramson / Dr. and Mrs. Solomon / Van Cleave
1-31 “pamphlet: Symposia on Excitation Phenomena dated June 23-July 25, 1936”
1-32 photographs: Dated 1936 Jones Lab building / missing photograph of Davenport Laboratory / Coming in from Outer Harbor View / People at Dock
1-33 photographs: Unidentified people in swimsuits / Dr. & Mrs. Howard J. Curtis; (Bim and Dot) / Men outside of Blackford (unidentified) / Ted Lytle; Stan Cain; Patsy Mestre; Betty McKee / Elizabeth Cole; Dot Curtis / People on Blackford Deck / Unidentified people on beach
1-34 photographs: Dated 1936 People on dredging trip / 4 Various photos / Tom Goldsmith; Dot Klem;?;Ted Lytle; Parish; Alice, Elsie Luty; Dotty Curtis / Evelyn and Herman Spieth
1-35 photographs and Symposia: Lytle;Castle; "Dave"; Bud Morris / Unidentified People on Beach / Castle; Spieths, Symposia on Quantitative Biology dated June 22nd- July 23rd 1937
1-36 photograph: 1937 Symposium Participants outside of Blackford (schematic but no identifying paper)
1-37 Hermann Rahn; Charles Harrold; Katherine Brownell; Raymond Zwemer; Robert Gaunt; Mrs. Domm; Frank Hartman; Lincoln Domm; Malvina Schweizer; Stanley Sarnoff; Warren Nelson; Albert Gordon; M.J. Kempner; Hanas Haterius; Bert Cunningham; Dorothy Klem; T.L. Smith; Eric Ponder; Rex Ingram; Irving Ochs; George Corner; Arnold Sookne; C.N.H. Long; Edith Fry; LC Hyman (?); No name for #27 Mrs. Ingram; John MacLeod; No name for #30 Sam Reynolds; Lawrence Moyer; Bradbury; E.J. Robinson; Royston Maloeuf; Edward Parker; Stanley Cain; Adolph Parts; E.T. Engle; Ernest Blanchard; Marjorie Van Olinda; Jane Harris; Mrs. Moyer; Renee Pekins; Mrs. Corner; Mrs. Abramson; Mrs. Long; Mrs. Nelson; Eleanor Loomis; Jane Operman; Margaret Fishburne; Hester Corner; Mrs. Riedman; Mrs. Grollman; Mrs. Swener; Barbara Long; Wally Ingram; Suzanne Swemer; Raymond Sqemer; Pat Grollman; Charles Cavanaugh; Chester Fairlie; Walter Edmundson; Solomon Feldman; Arthur Grollman; Wm. Lanne Williams; William Clarkson; Lawrence Fitch; Charles Roh; Joseph Bulik; Phillip Berkowitz
1-38 photographs: Dated 1937 H.L. Fevold; J.B. Collip / W.R. Lyons / Dr. & Mrs. Curt P. Richter / Dr. H.L. Fevold / Dr. James C. Munch (and Jimmy, child); Dr. J.B. Collip; Dr. Eric Ponder; Dr. Ernest Blanchard; Mr. Irving Ochs; Miss Marjorie Van Olinda; Dr. E.J. Robinson / Dr. W.R. Lyons; Dr. G.F. Marrian; Dr. Kenneth Donahue / Ken and Esther Donahue
1-39 photographs: Dr. and Mrs. Carl Moore / Dr. Edgar Allen; Dr. C.N.H. Long/ Bradbury / Dr. and Mrs. Butz / Dr. Bert Cunningham / Dr. and Mrs. T.L. Smith / Dr. Benoit / Dr. and Mrs. Corner and Hester
1-40 photographs: dated 1937 Dr. Herbert M. Evans / Malvina Schweizer /Malvina Schweizer; Zer and Erno Baloch / Dr. and Mrs. W.R. Ingram and Wally / Dr. and Mrs. L.V. Domm; / Bob Gaunt; Dr. Pfeizzer; Dr. Hill / Dr. Hill; Dr. Emil Witschi; Dr. Hateris
1-41 photographs: Dr. Samuel R.M. Reynolds / Dr. Wilbur W. Swingle / Mrs. ?; Mrs. Ingram; Mrs. Zwemer; Mrs. Long; Dr. R.L. Zwemer; Ray Zwemer / Dr. Hans O. Haterius / Dr. and Mrs. C.N.H. Long and Barbara / Phyliss Parkins; Josephine Gaunt; Alice Swingle
1-44 photographs: dated 1937 "Phil" Oar/ jubs / Dr. Herman Spieth / Mildred Cain; Bob Gaunt; Jo Gaunt; Stanley Cain; Phil Parkins Bill Parkins / Missing Photo of Jane Harris 6/2/75 / Mr. Wheeler / Jo Gaunt; Patty Nelson; Lincoln Domm; Hazel Domm / Hans Haterius; Rex Ingram
1-45 photographs: Dr. and Mrs. R.L. Zwemer / Jane Harris / Zwemers / Ted Lytle; Louis Marston / Ray Zwemer; Marjorie Van Olinda; Ray Zwemer Jr; Susanne Zwemer; Stanley Cain; Dorothy Zwemerz / Marjorie Van Olinda; John MacLeod; Ray Zwemer / Stan Cain; Louis Marston
1-46 photographs: Dated 1937 Warren Nelson; Mildred Cain; Bob Gaunt / People inside (unidentified) / Alice and Wilbur Swingle / Jo Gaunt; Bill Parkins; James Potter; Al Taylor; Patty Nelson; Anne Bacon / Bob and Jo Gaunt; Stan Cain / James Potter; Bill Parkins; Al Taylor / Phil Parkins; Ruth (not Ginny) Potter; Stanley Cain; Patsey Taylor; Patty Nelson; Alice Swingle (THERE IS A NOTE ON THIS PAGE INDICATING THAT THE PHOTO IDENTIFIED AS GINNY POTTER IS RUTH POTTER/ THE NOTE'S AUTHOR IS UNKNOWN.)
1-47 photographs: Dated 1937 Patsy and Pat Mestre / Theodore Dreiser / Elsie Moyer; Laurence Moyer; Bobby Abramson / Ted Just; unidentified woman?; Stan Cain / Group photo (no schematic) outside of Blackford
1-48 photographs: Dated 1937 People in water (unidentified) / Bill Castle / Group inside Jones lab/ Unidentified people on beach / Jane Harris (bathing suit) / Herman Spieth / Field Zoology Class / People in Marshlands
1-49 photographs: 3 beach photos no identification
1-50 pamphlet: 1938 Symposium Program dated June 22nd to July 21st, 1938
1-51 Symposium Participant Photo (group shot)
1-52 Schematic Top Row: Henry Bull; Smolens; David Lachman; Abraham Edelman; Joseph Fruton; Victor Monke; Vincent Morgan; Marcel Mathier; Hermann Rahn; Bob Silber; Tim Eversole; Marshall Melin; Bob Furchgott; Chester Hyman 2nd Row: Hugh Davson; Roger Herriot; Chuck Lloyd; Bill Kempner; Charles Noback; Janet Daniels; Dorothy Wrinch; Laurence Moyer; Don Turner; Leon Levinson; Stuart Mudd; Edward Parker; Alan Hisey; Chase Jones; Patty Nelson; Jane Harris; Mabel Blum; Mrs. Meyer; Harold Blum; Jacinto Steinhardt 3rd Row: Jenny Shapiro; Fanny Schneider; Dick Overman; Edgar Wile; George Corner; Hans Haterius; Eric Ponder; Hans Neurath; Sheldon Edgerton; Eloise Jameson; Dorothy Klem; Mrs. K. Stern; Rudy Stern 4th Row: Edith Grossman; Karl Meyer; Alice Ackerman; Marjorie Van Olinda; Charlie Haterius; Mona Haterius; Ruth Ponder; Jimmie De Tomasi; Annette Bacon; Elsie Moyer; Hilda Neurath; Fredricka Bull; Mrs. J. Fruton; Eleanor Loomis; Jeannine Nelson; Mrs. R. Herriot; Josephine Gaunt
Harold Blum; Henry Bull; Ruth Ponder / Unidentified people on benches
1-53: photographs: Dr. and Mrs. J.W. Williams; Janet / Ted Lytle / Mathieu; Astbury / Charlie, Jeneanne
1-54: photographs: Dated 1938 Warren Nelson; Harry Charipper; Hans Haterius, Bob Gaunt; "Jo" Gaunt / Jo Gaunt / Jo Gaunt and Bob Gaunt / Missing Photo of D. Klem (6/2/75) / Marine Zoology Class
1-55: photographs: Marine Zoology Class / People (unidentified) on Jones steps / Asterias sp./ inside Jones Lab / Unidentified Man at lab desk
1-56: Plant Zoology Conference / Pam Butler; Chuck Wurtz; Chris Markus; Clarence Goodnight
Unidentified group shot
1-57: photograph: 1939 Symposium Participants
1-58: Schematic of above photo First Row Seated: Edward Cuneo; Fritz Lipmann; Gerald Dolin; Frederick Bernheim; Hester Corner; Mrs. Irving Korr; No name for #7 Sandra Abramson; Mrs. Joseph Melnick; Mrs. Kurt Stern; Frances Kuchler; no name for #12 Naomi Zinken; John MacLeod; Joseph Melnick; ? no name for #16 Abrams no name for #18 & 19 Second Row Seated: George W. Corner; no name for #2 Dot Klem; Jane Harris; Bobbie Abramson; Kurt Stern; Jimmy de Tomasi; Kurt Salomon; Mrs. Kurt Salomon; Jerene Robbins; Mrs. C. Gemmill; Janice Cutler; Muriel Goldman; Dorothy Wrinch First Row Standing: Bill Kempner; Harold Abramson; ?no name for #3 Shapiro; David Goddard; J.M. Nelson; Gregory Pincus; Dean Burk; Ruth Ponder; Eric Ponder; Mrs. Carl Cori; no name for #12 Mrs. George Corner; Mrs. J. Baumberger; Mrs. F. Bernheim; no name for #16 Betty Robinson; no name for #18 Sidney Belick; Bill Summerson; Hudson Hoagland; no name for #22 Morris Lipton; no name for #24 and 25 Nicholas Fugo; B.A. Wordeman; Ted Lytle Last Row Standing: Myron Arrick; no name for #2 Mark Graubard; no name for #4 Charlie Kensler; Robert Ollry; no name for #7 Paul Preisler; Mrs. Preisler; Sam Barker; Alan Hisey; J. Percy Baumberger; Otto Muller; J.N. Stannard; Chester Hyman; Vernon Krahl; no name for #17 Ralph Kellog; John Geary; Peter Laury; Margaret Austin; Bob Furchgott; Carl Cori; no name for #24 & 25 Leslie Hellerman; no name for #27 Hans Haterius
1-59: photographs: Gregory Pincus / Jimmy DeTomasi /Otto Muller; McKeen; Cattell / Fritz Lipmann; Dean Burk; The Salomans / Carnegie Bio Lab Wedding August 1939 / John MacLeod; Eve Dirkes; Ellis Robinson; Charles and Kitty Warren; Bill Summerson / E. Shorr; C. Gemmill; F. Bernheim
1-60: photographs: Dated 1939 Wawepex building / Blackford hall / Marc Graubard / Blackford building/ Otto Muller; J.P. Baumberger / Panorama (Blackford) / Percy and Alberta Baumberger / Panorama
1-62: photographs: Dated 1940 Jane Harris / Margery Dayson; Eric Ponder; Ruth Ponder / Eric Ponder / Dorothy Wrinch / "The Three Pandas" - Lawrence Moyer; Harold Abramson; Manuel Gorin / The Teaching Staff...Dan Barren; Hane ?
1-63: photographs: Tom Smith / Hooper / Dorothy Wrinch / Royce and Dorothy Skow / "Mooring" Restaurant / Panorama entitled "Carnegie"
1-64: photographs: Phil Bridges / M. Demerec / Eileen Sutton; Kitty Brehme / Tennis Game (Charlie Warren for Bio Lab); Umpire, Bob Stewart; / Charlie Warren and Bill Summerson (both Players for bio labs)Carnegie – Bio lab Tennis Tournament/ Gordon Carlson for Carnegie / Jane Dunn; Sidney Velick; Bill Summerson; Charlie Warren
1-65: photographs: Field Zoology Class 1940 Trip to Fire Island / Bob Little; Bill Herschkopf; Hugh Gundelfiner; Jimmy de Tomasi; Marvin Meyer; Jane Harris; Jane Edwards; Roger Cole; Janice Cutler; KC Cole / Hugh Gundelfinger; Jane Harris; Bill Herschkopf / People on boat Janice Cutler; Bob Little; Ken Cole; Marvin Meyer; Jane Harris; Hugh Gundelfinger; Jimmy de Tomasi; Jane Edwards / Jane Harris; Dorothy Dreyer / Dorothy Dreyer; Ken Cole; Roger Cole; Jimmy de Tomasi; Hugh Gundelfinger / Roger Cole, Marvin Meyers; Elizabeth Cole; Emma ?; Dorothy Drever; Jane Edwards; Dot Klem; Walter Rosenblith; Janice Cutler
1-66: photographs: Shelby Cox; Anne Blinks at the Bio Lab Dock / Marvin Meyer; Buck Dreyer; Jane Harris; 2 students / Field Zoology Students / The Sandspit with Dot Klem; Bill Kempner / F.Tailman; Barbara Burks
1-67 Symposia on Quantitative Biology IX. Genes and Chromosomes – Structure and Organization June 18th to July 2nd, 1941
1-68: photographs: Dated 1941 Symposium / photo missing of S. Luria; L.J Stadler / L.C. Dunn; B. Ephrussi; C. Stern / CL Huskins / CL Huskins; F. Schrader / LJ Stadler; C Stern / M. Delbruck; W.M. Stanley
1-69: Missing photo of The Theoretical Physicists...Max Delbruck; S. Luria; F. Exner / D.F. Jones; M.M. Rhoades/ W. Singleton / Sewall Wright / E.C. MacDowell; Clara J. Lynch / Ernst Mayr / R.R. Gates; TS Painter; ?; F. Schrader (?); E. Jones; S. Schrader / Muller / R.R. Gates; T.S. Painter; Enzmann
1-70: photographs: Symposium Picnic at Jones Beach, June 1941 / W.M. Stanley; Max Delbruck; AE Mirskey; J.W. Gowen / C.B. Davenport / Stanley; Delbruck; Gowen; Mirskey / "The Director Organizing Somebody" (M. Demerec) / M.M. Rhoades; Ruth Potter / Eileen Sutton; Arn Sparrow; Al Miller / Max Perrod; Alfred Mirskey; Jack Schultz
1-71: photographs: Genetics Society Meetings August 1941 : J. Neel; El Waletzky / LC Dunn; E. Caspari; FM Hutt; P Sawin / BP Kaufmann; M. Demerec / The HF Muellers; A. Weinstein; Jerry and Carl Lindegren / A. Holland; N. Giles
1-72: photographs: Edgar Anderson; BP Kaufman / B. Ephrussi; LC Dunn / M. Demerec; WP Spencer; BP Sonnenblick / J. Neel; El Waletzky; RA Brink; J. Behnke / Dick and Dit Kimball; Lib and Gordon Carlson / Myron Gordon
1-73: photographs: Hooper Bldg. / Hooper Bldg / Nichols building / Jimmy de Tomasi / Dot Klem / Maydelle Bishop and Bob Stewart just before their marriage
1-74: Peter Cole; Albert Claude / Beatrice Lashin; Dorothy Wrinch; M.L. Anson / Barbara McClintock / T. Shedlovsky; I. Fankuchen; R. Boche / C. Knight I Fankuchen; R. Boche; FM Uber / HJ Muller
1-75: photographs: Maurice Whittinghill / Jack Schultz; Curt Stern / Dick Kimball / A.H. Sparrow; D. Ayr; AM Banta; OT Hinton; Kim Atwood / The Sixth Member of the ? Crew, Kitty Brehme / missing photo of Elizabeth Jones; Clara Lynch / Marie Jakus
1-76: Outside shots of lab / Roadside shot / Jones Lab (2) / Henry Dorsey (mowing lawn) / Back of Wawepex
1-78: photographs: M. Demerec; T.M. Sonneborn / P.W. Zimmerman; R.F. Kimball / BP Kaufman; J. Schooley / P.W. Whiting; R.C. Cook / F. Skoog; BH Willier / missing photo of S. Luria; E. Sansome / Vera Dantchakoff and her adopted son
1-79: photographs: Bernard Nebel; Jim Neel; Bentley Glass / A. Lipschutz; M. Steggerda / M. Levine; PW Zimmerman / LC Dunn / Earl Engle / Clifford Grobstein; CL Huskins / A.E. Severinghaus
1-80: photographs: 1942 Symposium: C.L. Huskins; Barbara McClintock / C.B. Davenport; P.W. Zimmerman / J. Van Overbeek; M.E. Conklin / D.E. Marcy; A.F. Blakeslee; J. Van Overbeek / Eileen Sutton; Annette Terzian; David Perkins / missing photo of Zimmerman; Blakeslee; Ephrussi; Skoog / O. Riddle / L.C. Dunn; B. McClintock
1-81: photographs: B.H. Willier; T.M. Sonneborn / C.W. Hagen; Betty and Dietrich Bodenstein; Tracy Sonneborn / B.F. Kimball; R.H. Burns / Hans and Francis Selye / E. Witschi; V. Dantchakoff / AF Blakeslee; B. Ephrussi; F. Skoog; E. Sansome / R.H. Burns
1-82: photographs: Joseph Gilman; G.W. Corner / Bentley Glass; Leonard Huskins on the Warren's Sun Porch / A. Lipschutz; F. Skoog / Hetty and Lefty Lahr / Olga Schiller; Nelson Spratt / M. Demerec's Final Speech of the 1942 Symposium
1-83: photographs: Emil Witschi (color) / A. Lipschutz (color) / Oscar Riddle (color) / missing photo of K. Brehme; Folke Skoog / Kodachromes by Horace Marvin
1-84: photographs: Eileen Sutton; Agnes Fisher / Jack Schultz; Eileen Sutton / Manny and Max Delbruck (Max grew a beard in 1942) chess photo / Jack Schultz advising on the Bridges-Brehme book / J. Schultz; Sutton; M. Whittinghill / Shelby Vox; Charlie Warren
1-85: photographs: The Bio Lab Dock / Two photos of people on dock / Dietrich Bodenstein; Janet Gest / M. Demerec (swimming) / Chat Sansome; M. Demerec swimming ; Tutig Rosenblum / Charlie Warren; Dietrich Bodenstein; Eileen Sutton; S. Rosenblum / C. Warren; E. Sutton; S. Zamenhoff; R. Cox
1-86: photographs: Kitty Brehme / Charlie Warren; Bentley Glass (tennis) / Horace and Peg Marvin / W.F. Hollander / Willard Hollander; Vita Rausch / Vernon Bryson (tennis)
1-87: photographs: Kitty Brehme / Alice Hellmer / Dorothy Longacre in Jones Building / Dot Longacre / Dotty Klem
1-89: photographs: Unidentified Male / Maurice Whittinghill
1-90: photograph: Richard Cox
1-91: 1946 Nature Study shots all outdoor/ top photo people fishing on the dock/ group walking on path with a dog/ group in front of wawepex laboratory
1-92: photographs: Three 1946 Nature Study shots of kids
1-93: 1947 Symposium Program dated June 11th to 20th, 1947
1-94: photographs: Sonneborn / Blackford Hall / People outside Blackford / A. Mirsky; I. Goodman; I. Galinsky / C.C. Lindegren; A.B. Shull / A. Mirsky; J.M. Gulland / R. Herriott; C.A. Knight / P. Hotchkiss; H. Taylor; CA Knight
1-95: photographs: Ellen and Edgar Stedman / W. Maas; T.M. Sonneborn / The Stedmans / J. Brachet; E. Patterson; P. St. Lawrence / L. Michaelis; C.L. Huskins / J. Lederburg; E. Zimmer Lederburg; F. Ryan / A. Gulick / JM Gulland; Z. Dische / S. Spiegelman; C.A. Carter
1-96: photographs: W. Maas; D. Bonner / B. McClintock / Powers; Rudkin / B.P. Kaufman / Krugelis; Pollisteb / Bern Kaufman / R. Stowell / L. Michaelis / E. Caspari
1-97: photographs: H. Kis; A. Sparrow / A. Boivin; J. Lederburg / M. Errera; J. Brachet / E. Tatum, J. Lederburg; S. Spiegelman / J.B. Buck / M. Demerec; E. Tatum / G. Schmidt; G. Brown / E. Paterson; G Rudkin / A. Mirsky; T.M. Sonneborn
1-98: photographs: Seymour Cohen / F. Schrader; S. Hughes-Schrader / "C.C. Lindgren trying to sell a theory about the spindle to B. McClintock" / S. Hughes-Schrader / H. Crouse; T. Sonneborn; B. McClintock / E. Krugelis / P. St. Lawrence; J. Schultz / R. Stewart; B. Taylor; J. Crow H. / De Stefano; A. Pollister
1-99: photographs: J.N. Davidson; E and E. Stedman / E. Chargaff / Symposium Room / People outside Blackford / G. Schmidt; Stedmans; Z. Dische / A. Brues; A. Hollander / J. Brachet; J. Reiner / J.M. Gulland; G. Schmidt / L. Michaelis / E. Witkin; A. Sparrow / A. Boivin; ?
1-100: photographs: Getting Ready for Jones Beach Picnic : V. Bryson was a key figure / J.M. Gulland / A. Boivin / J.N. Davidson / Elizabeth Shull Russell; Mrs. Shull / B.R. Coonfield; L.H. Worley / People on beach / I. Goodman; E. Krugelis
1-101: photographs: People outside Blackford (2) / C. Carter; M. Errera; J. Brachet / M. Demerec; E. Witkin; T.M. Sonneborn; H. Holter / S. Spiegelman; W. Fano / A. Sparrow; E. Krugelis; B. Taylor / C. Lindgren; K. Brehme; C.L. Huskins; C. Warren; F. Schrader; S. Hughes-Schader / H. Hayden; A. Sparrow / People outside Blackford (2) / M. Errera; J. Brachet / H. Hyden; S. Cohen / A. Pollister; C.A. Knight
1-102: photographs: Visitors in July : F.O. Schmitt / Paul Weiss / Al Miler with E. Stedman / Visitors in August / Ped Koller with M.J.D. White / Jacques Monod with B. McClintock / Dr. and Mrs. M. Westergard with B. McClintock / The Westergards with Ped Koller
1-103: photographs: Bungtown Road / Williams House / Bungtown Road / Maryda Swanstrom / Dorothy Stephen / Ernst Caspari and Hansi / E. Caspari; E. Mayr / Missing photographs of The Herskowitz Identical Twin Boys, one year old / The Twins Papa - IH Herskowitz
1-104: photographs: Charles Warren; Clark Fraser / Inner Harbor / Hooper House / Sidney Kolowick / Leo Szilard; Elaine Cohen and Michael / Kitty Wilson / Gay Adam's 4th birthday party
1-105: photographs: "The Sandspit from Paul's" (2) / Working on Vernon Bryson's sailboat....Clark Fraser; Maryda Swanstrom; Vernon Bryson; Charles Warren / "Vernon's boat never did get launched" / Helfan Gay with Virginia (?) on the sandspit / Perch Fisher; Vera Ziegler
- Creation: 1911 - 1947
- From the Item: Warren, Katherine Brehme, 1909- (Person)
From the Item: 1 Boxes
Language of Materials
From the Item: English
Repository Details
Part of the Development Area Repository