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Box 18



Contains 11 Results:

(1 of 2), 1984

 File — Box: 18, Folder: 1
Identifier: MSM_b18_f01_001
Contents Correspondents, associations, and reports in this file include:Grant Evans, Joseph Campbell, Paul E. Nelson, Martin Kaplan, Jean Cristophe Oberg, Michael Heylin from Carl Kaysen, Mikhail Milstein, John Constable, Ursel Wolff, Nicholas Wade, William Kucewiez, Martha Cooper, Eliot Marshall, Peter Starlinger, David E. Morey, George A. Robertson, Han Swyter, Alice Mangold, Dennis J. Meseroll, Fred C. Dyer, Elkan R. Blout, Robert L. Chason, Christopher Ruedel, P.W. Richards, R.C....
Dates: 1984

(2 of 2), 1984

 File — Box: 18, Folder: 2
Identifier: MSM_b18_f02_001
Scope and Content From the Collection: The Dr. Matthew Meselson Collection is composed of two record groups: Professional Materials and Chemical and Biological Warfare Materials.Materials in Record Group I were accrued by Dr. Matthew Meselson during his doctorate work at the California Institute of Technology from 1953-1957 under Linus Pauling, his tenure as an Assistant Professor at Caltech, his work with Franklin Stahl in 1955-1957 demonstrating self-replication of DNA, and his tenure as a Professor at Harvard...
Dates: 1984

Series I: Chemical and Biological Warfare Correspondence, January-June 1985

 File — Box: 18, Folder: 3
Identifier: MSM_b18_f03_001

Cprrespondents, associations, and reports in this file include:

Solly Zuckerman, Seruei Batsanov, Craig Johnstone, Thomas Inch, Jeremy Stone, Frank Press, Joel Feigon, William E. Jackson Jr. (COPY), John Maddox, Victor K. McElheny, P.J. Farago, Joseph Rosen, Jonathan Piel, Thomas J. Welch, Peter D, McGann, Stephen Budiansky, Elkan R. Blout, Pat Hickerson, Nikolaus Brubach, Julian Perry Robinson, W.B. Buck, and materials concerning National Security Clearance.

Dates: January-June 1985

Series I: Chemical and Biological Warfare Correspondence, July-December 1985

 File — Box: 18, Folder: 4
Identifier: MSM_b18_f04_001
Scope and Contents Correspondents, associations, and reports in this file include:Julian Perry Robinson, Joshua Lederberg (COPY), S. Schwartzstein, Han Swyter, Franklin A. Long (COPY), Dan Rather (COPY), Thomas Pettit (COPY), John Chancellor (COPY), Richard Cattani (COPY), Robert Cowen (COPY), Lois Ember, Shelby Coffey III, Anne Cahn, Karina van de Hewel, Christopher Doye, Peter G. Brown, Murray Gell-Mann, John McMahon, Sularto Sutowardoyo, Enrique ter horst, Kazimir Vidas, Fred Sidell, Ed Chen,...
Dates: July-December 1985

Series I: Chemical and Biological Warfare Correspondence, January-June 1986

 File — Box: 18, Folder: 5
Identifier: MSM_b18_f05_001
Contents Correspondents, associations, and reports in this file include:Marius Grinius, M. Bothe, Esmat Ezz, John Constable, Alex Ciegler, Don Luce, Ephraim Katchalski-Katzir, Herbert Marcovich, Noam Chomsky, Richard F. Mollica, Lorna Brennan, Joseph Kruzel, Amos A. Jordan, Nancy Johnson (Meselson assistant) to Michael Bothe, Joseph Kruzel, Herbert Marcovich, David L. Bunner, A. Taylor, Sidney D. Drell, John Maddox, Jim Wang, Gordon K. Vachon, John Marks, Brad Roberts, Lionel A....
Dates: January-June 1986

Series I: Chemical and Biological Warfare Correspondence, July-December 1986

 File — Box: 18, Folder: 6
Identifier: MSM_b18_f06_001

Correspondents, associations, and reports in this file include:

Yvonne Rebeyrol, John Horgan, Herbert Krosney, Brad Roberts, Jeffrey Boutwell, Alex Ciegler, Jonathan Piel, Yuval Neeman, M. Corsby, Ellen C. Taylor, Bart Bernstein, Dominik Marx, Martin Kaplan, Ruth Adams, Sergei Kislyak, Antonio Handler Chayes, Ellen A. Marks, Charles Piller, Muriel Oxenberg Murphy, Ivan Bennett from Joshua Lederberg, Manuel Servin-Massieu, Jeanne A. McDermott.

Dates: July-December 1986

Series I: Chemical and Biological Warfare Correspondence, 1987

 File — Box: 18, Folder: 7
Identifier: MSM_b18_f07_001

Correspondents, associations, and reports in this file include:

Bernard Lown, John Isaacs, Philip S. Brachman,Joseph V. Bangert, Leonard A. Cole, Alexander D. Langmuir, Jeremy J. Stone, Cyrus Vance, Joshua Lederberg, Bernard Lown, Timothy Dunnigan, Edgar J. Lawrence, Thomas D. Cabot, Frank Press, Wilbur E. Garrett, Bruni Kobbe, Bernard D. Davis,Milton Leitenberg, Philip S. Brachman.

Dates: 1987

Series I: Chemical and Biological Warfare Correspondence, 1988

 File — Box: 18, Folder: 8
Identifier: MSM_b18_f08_001

Correspondents, associations, and reports in this file include:

M. Balali, Alexander D. Langmuir, Valentin Falin from Martin Kaplan, Will D. Carpenter, Michael Guest, D.A. Henderson, Nikolai Chervov, Elisa D. Harris, Joe Bangert, Len Ackland, Joshua Lederberg, Frederick H. Kasten, Charles Conway Flowerree, Philip S. Brachman, Martin H. Crumrine, David Julyan, Ruth Adams, David L. Huxsoll, E.V. Kosenko, Robert Mikulak, Denise McIntosh, Harry G. Dangerfield, Catharine E. Little.

Dates: 1988

Series I: Chemical and Biological Warfare Correspondence, 1989

 File — Box: 18, Folder: 9
Identifier: MSM_b18_f09_001
Contents Correspondents, associations, and reports in this file include:Frank Mankiewicz, Michael D. Intriligator, Max McCarthy, Jonathan Dean, Hans Dieter Herrmann, Alton Frye, Herbert Marcovich, Dale Malabarba, Alexander D. Langmuir, Rose Heooistt, Carla A Hills from Jack Gold, Roger Herriott, Heinz A.J. Kern, Richard M. Moose, Lewis A. Dunn, A. De Volpi, Joshua Lederberg, Gene R. La Rocque, Carla A. Hills, Sergei Kislyak, Bruce A. Morrison, Arthur Forer, Vitalii Goldanski, Betty G....
Dates: 1989

Series I: Chemical and Biological Warfare Correspondence, January-June 1990

 File — Box: 18, Folder: 10
Identifier: MSM_b18_f10_001
Contents Correspondents, associations, and reports in this file include:John Constable, Lee H. Hamilton, Kenneth Galbraith, Solly Zuckerman, Alexander M. Haig Jr., Amoretta M. Hoeber, Diane M. Kotras, G.C. Fortune, Harold A. Feiveson, M.C. Hamblin, Alexander D. Langmuir to Robert A. Weinberg, Judith Meck, Philip A. Heywood, Herbert J. Coleman, Robert P. Mikulak, David Mets, Paul Doty (COPY), Robert J. McCloskey, Dale Malabarba, Robert Curley, Johan Lundin, Robert Mikulak, Will D....
Dates: January-June 1990