Box 01
Contains 249 Results:
Paddison, Caudy and Hannon - Stable suppressions of gene expression by RNAi in mammalian cells, 2001
Manuscripts that were written by others and submitted for PNAS review. Drafts and related correspondence, comments and submission information. Organized by author names and dates.
Waga - DNA polymerase E is required for coordinated and efficient chromosomal DNA replication in Xenopus egg extracts, 2001
Manuscripts that were written by others and submitted for PNAS review. Drafts and related correspondence, comments and submission information. Organized by author names and dates.
A - authors, 1990 - 2000
Adachi, Laemmli - Identification of nuclear pre-replication centers poised for DNA synthesis in Xenopus egg extracts; Alestrom, Stenlund, Li, Pettersson - A common sequence in the terminal repetitions of human and avian adenoviruses
B - authors, 1990 - 2010
Blanco, Salas, 1980 - 1990
C - D authors, 1980 - 2000
Cleat, Hay Co-operative interactions between NFI and the adenovirus DNA binding protein at the adenovirus origin of replication; Cohen, Feinstein The use of bacteriophage for the detection of escherichia coli O157:H7; de Vries, van der Vliet, et al A hela nuclear protein recognizing DNA termini and translocating on DNA forming a regular DNA-multiprotein complex
F - G authors, 1980 - 2000
Fisher, McConnell, Smith, et al Association of RNA polymerase II with Drosophila Karyoskeletal protein (Nuclear Matrix) fractions correlates with transcriptional shut down during heat shock; Fisher, McConnell, Smith, Whalen Heat shock induced changes in the structural stability of proteinaceous karyoskeletal elements in vitro and morphologic effects in situ; Guo, Zhong Essential role of the neurofibromatosis 1-regulated Rutabega-adenylyl cyclase pathway in Drosophila learning
H - authors, 1980 - 2000
Hadden, et al A trial of IRX-2 in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck; Hadden Immunodeficiency and cancer: prospects for correction; Hadden, Meneses, et al Lymph node histology in head and neck cancer: impact of immunotherapy with IRX-2
I - K authors, 1980 - 2000
Alberts, Bruce M., 1994
Copies of article reprints written by other authors. Organized alphabetically by author’s last name.