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(2 of 2), March-April 1970

 File — Box: 21, Folder: 10
Identifier: MSM_b21_f10_001


Correspondents, associations, and reports in this file include:

Allan E. Goodman, Mrs. William M. Harris Jr., Nancy Hancock to Arthur H. Westing, Henry B. Cabot, Paul D. Stolen, Westing to Albert E. Hayward, Katrina Streiff to Gerald Holton, Streiff to David Brower, Bruce Wiersma to Westing (COPY), Martha Benn, G. Holton, Kay L. Kuhn to Khreena Streiss, R.W. Komer, R.L. Johnson to Bentley Glass, June D. Hudis, Fred H. Tschirley, A.E. Hayward to Westing, Streiff to Peter S. Clara, Streiff to Kay L. Kuhn, Gerald Holton to Bentley Glass (COPY), Howard T. Odum, Charles T. Dougherty to R.E. Blaser, Herbert Marcovich, Streiff to Roberta Wohsletter, Garth Voigt, Streiff to Ralph Stavins, Fred Tschirley, Hugh Raup, George Woodwell, Cecil T. King, Stephen E. Gottlieb, John E. Cantlon, Gerardo Budowski, John E. Bardach, Sterling B. Hendricks, Gilbert F. White, Ralph W.F. Hardy, J.C. Callahan, George M. Woodwell, Leslie J. Audus, Perry R. Stout, John P. Milton, Paul W. Richards, George Schuyler, Sameul Epstein, William B. Ennis Jr., Gilbert White, Milton Leitenberg, Maivan T.B. Lam, William J.C. Logan, Sterling B. Hendricks, William L. Eilers, Mrs. A. Kern, Hen[?] Marcovich, Karen R. Reynolds, Albert E. Hayward, P.W. Richards, B. Bruce Wiersma, Charles A. Janeway, Martin Alexander, George McT. Kahin, L.J. Audus, William Udell, Giles W. Mead, E.W. Pfieffer, Michael Gochfeld to E.W. Pfeiffer, Gilbert White, P.W. Richards,Don Adamson, Robert E. Maybury, J.M. Krivine, Michael Ashburner, Arthur Westing to Robert E. Cook, Bruce Wiersman, Dael Wolfle to Bentley Glass (COPY), Dr. Poliniere, Jesse L. Steinfeld, Jacqueline Verrett, Julius Johnson, John E. Cantlon, Sterling B. Hendricks, Gerald E. Walsh, Oliver B. Cope, Gerald Holton, R.W.F. Hardy, William B. Spong Jr., William H. Taft III, James D. Moffett, David Challinor Jr., F. Raymond Fosbey, Albert E. Hayward, Edward J. Burger Jr., John L. Buckley, Jay D. Mann, Gerardo Budowski, Nguyen Lang Duyen concerning Tran Van Lan, Joel Halpern, John Ewel, John E. Bandach.

This file also includes materials about the American Association for the Advancement of Science commissioned study of the effects of military use of herbicides in Vietnam; AAAS searching for information on the public health profile of Vietnam; Woods Hole study group meeting for the Herbicide Assessment Commission; materials in French; notes of Westing's calls/meetings.


  • Creation: March-April 1970


Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Bulk English; some materials in French, Spanish, German, and Russian

Access Restrictions

Some restrictions apply to this collection. Materials containing recent email addresses, addresses, or other personal information are restricted and not available for use. Access is given only by appointment, 9 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Monday through Friday.


From the Collection: 32 Boxes (30 0.4 ABs, 1 RC, 1 slide box) : 10 linear feet

Repository Details

Part of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Archives Repository

Library & Archives
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
One Bungtown Rd
Cold Spring Harbor NY 11724 USA