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Mutation Induction and Heritability in Mammalian Germ Cells, 1989-11-12 - 1989-11-15


Scope and Contents

The Mutation Induction and Heritability in Mammalian Germ Cells meeting dealt with such important topics as How do mutations arise in germ-line cells? Can these mutations be repaired? How can they be detected? In particular, participants reviewed the ways in which new technical developments such as polymerase chain reaction can be used to get estimates of germ cell mutation rates.


  • Creation: 1989-11-12 - 1989-11-15


Conditions Governing Access

Tapes have been digitized and are available for research in person at CSHL Archives.


10 Cassettes : Tape 1 Side 1 [00:47:11] Tape 1 Side 2 [00:47:12]; Tape 2 Side 1 [00:47:00] Tape 2 Side 2 [00:47:00]; Tape 3 Side 1 [00:46:54] Tape 3 Side 2 [00:46:54]; Tape 4 Side 1 [00:47:03] Tape 4 Side 2 [00:47:03]; Tape 5 [Does Not Exist]; Tape 6 Side 1 [00:46:42] Tape 6 Side 2 [00:46:41]; Tape 7 Side 1 [00:45:52] Tape 7 Side 2 [00:45:52]; Tape 8 Side 1 [00:46:01] Tape 8 Side 2 [00:46:01]; Tape 9 Side 1 [00:47:07] Tape 9 Side 2 [00:47:07]; Tape 10 Side 1 [00:47:18] Tape 10 Side 2 [00:03:52]; Tape 11 Side 1 [00:46:03] Tape 11 Side 2 [00:46:03]

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Section 1: Germ-line Properties Affecting Induction and Recovery

Barriers to Entry of Substances Into Seminiferous Tubules: Compatibility of Morphological and Physiological Evidence / Lonnie D. Russell
Cell-Cell Interactions in the Testis: A Guide for the Perplexed / irving Bamdas Fritz
Correlation between Proliferative Activity of Mouse Spermatogonial Stem Cells and Their Sensitivity for Cell Killing and Induction of Reciprocal Translocations by Irradiation / Dirk G. de Rooij, Yvonne van der Meer, Ans M.M. van Pelt, and Paul P.W. van Buul
Use of Heritable Mutations in the Analysis of Meiosis / Mary Ann Handel
Regulation of Testicular Postmeiotic Genes / Norman B. Hecht
Molecular Targets, DNA Breakage, and DNA Repair: Their Roles in Mutation Induction in Mammalian Germ Cells / Gary A. Sega
Detecting Specific-locus Mutations in Human Sperm / Andrew J. Wyrobek, Marge Currie, Jackie L. Stilwell, Rod Balhorn, and Larry H. Stanker

Section 2: Aberrant Chromosome Structure/Behavior

Clastogenic Effects of Acrylamide in Different Germ-cell Stages of Male Mice / Ilse-Dore Adler
The Synaptonemal Complex as an Indicator of Induced Chromosome Damage / Montrose J. Moses, Patricia Poorman-Allen, James H. Tepperberg, James B. Gibson, Lorraine C. Backer, and James W. Allen
Synaptonemal Complex Analysis of Mutagen Effects on Meiotic Chromosome Structure and Behavior / James W. Allen, Patricia Poorman-Allen, Lorraine C. Backer, Barbara Westbrook-Collins, and Montrose J. Moses
Meiosis and Experimentation in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Michael E. Dresser
Human Sperm Cytogenetics and the One-cell Zygote / Brigitte F. Brandriff and Laurie A. Gordon
Chromosome Aberrations Associated with Induced Mutations: Effect on Mapping New Mutations / Muriel T. Davisson and Susan E. Lewis

Section 3: Variables Affecting the Rate and Nature of Mutations

Factors Affecting Mutation Induction by X-rays in the Spermatogonial Stem Cells of Mice of Strain 101/H / Bruce M. Cattanach, Carol Rasberry, and Colin Beechey
Toward an Understanding of the Mechanisms of Mutation Induction by Ethylnitrosourea in Germ Cells of the Mouse / Jack Favor
Mosaic Mutants Induced by Ethylnitrosourea in Late Germ Cells of Mice / Susan E. Lewis, Lois B. Barnett, and Raymond A. Popp
Analysis of Electrophoretically Detected Mutations Induced in Mouse Germ Cells by Ethylnitrosourea / Josephine Peters, Janet Jones, Simon T. Ball, and John B. Clegg
Investigating Inborn Errors of Phenylalanine Metabolism by Efficient Mutagenesis of the Mouse Germ Line / J. David McDonald, Alexandra Shedlovsky, and William F. Dove
Factors Affecting the Nature of Induced Mutations / Liane B. Russell, William L. Russell, Eugene M. Rinchik, and Patricia R. Hunsicker

Section 4: Nonmutational Genetic Effects on Early Development

Effects of Imprinting on Analysis of Genetic Mutations / Julie DeLoia and Davor Solter
What is the Radiosensitive Target of Mammalian Gametes and Embryos at Low Doses of Radiation? / Lynn M. Wiley
Developmental Anomalies: Mutational Consequence of Mouse Zygote Exposure / Walderico M. Generoso, Joe C. Rutledge, and John Aronson
Manipulation of the Mouse Genome by Homologous Recombination / Oliver Smithies and Beverly H. Koller

Section 5: Utilization of DNA Techniques in the Detection of Germ-line Mutations

Molecular Approaches to the Estimation of Germinal Gene Mutation Rates / Harvey W. Mohrenweiser, Brian A. Perry, and Stephen A. Judd
Quantitation and Characterization of Human Germinal Mutations at Hypervariable Loci / Bruce W. Kovacs, Bejan Shahbahrami, and David E. Comings
Analysis of DNA Sequences in Individual Human Sperm Using PCR / Norman Arnheim
Insertional Mutagenesis in Transgenic Mice / Richard P. Woychik, Barbara R. Beatty, William L. McKinney, Debra K. Andreadis, Anne J. Chang, and P. Eugene Barker

Section 6: Genetic Risk Estimation

Problems and Possibilities in Genetic Risk Estimation / William L. Russell
Quantification of Germ-cell Risk Associated with the Induction of Heritable Translocations / Vicki L. Dellarco and Lorenz R. Rhomberg
Use of Germ-cell Mutagenicity Testing by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Toxic Substances / Michael C. Cimino and Angela E. Auletta
Mammalian Heritable Effects Research in the National Toxicology Program / Jack B. Bishop and Michael D. Shelby
The Importance of the Direct Method of Genetic Risk Estimation and Ways to Improve It / Paul B. Shelby
Aspects of Germ Cells Relevant to Mutagenic Risk Evaluation: Some Conclusing Remarks / Bryn A. Bridges
Author Index
Subject Index

Repository Details

Part of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Archives Repository

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