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Molecular Cytogenetics Bridging the Resolution Gap, 1989-10-30 - 1989-11-02


Scope and Contents

The meeting, Molecular Cytogenetics: Bridging the Resolution Gap, examined new strategies for handling and analyzing DNA intermediate in size between the DNAs studied by cytogenetics and by cloning techniques. It seems that although one can optimize techniques and strategies, a considerable element of luck is involved in finding a sought-after gene in kilobases of DNA.


  • Creation: 1989-10-30 - 1989-11-02


Conditions Governing Access

Tapes have been digitized and are available for research in person at CSHL Archives.


10 Cassettes : Tape 1 Side 1 [00:47:16] Tape 1 Side 2 [00:47:16]; Tape 2 Side 1 [00:47:17] Tape 2 Side 2 [00:45:18]; Tape 3 Side 1 [00:46:59] Tape 3 Side 2 [00:47:01]; Tape 4 Side 1 [00:46:57] Tape 4 Side 2 [00:46:58]; Tape 5 Side 1 [00:47:14] Tape 5 Side 2 [00:47:15]; Tape 6 Side 1 [00:47:03] Tape 6 Side 2 [00:47:04]; Tape 7 Side 1 [00:47:19] Tape 7 Side 2 [00:47:21]; Tape 8 Side 1 [00:47:04] Tape 8 Side 2 [00:47:05]; Tape 9 Side 1 [00:46:56] Tape 9 Side 2 [00:46:56]; Tape 10 Side 1 [00:46:58] Tape 10 Side 2 [00:28:54]

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Session 1: Bridging Technologies

Fine Structure Genetic Analysis of Human Chromosomes by Using Radiation Hybrid Mapping / Margit Burmeister

High Resolution Gene Mapping by In Situ Hybridization / David Ward

Genomic Distance Estimated From the Proximity of Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization Sites in Interphase Nuclei / Barbara Trask

Microdissection and Molecular Analysis of Human Chromosome Regions Involved in Contiguous Syndromes / Bernhard Horsthemke

Physical Mapping and Microdissection in the Fragile X Region / Kay Davies

Human Genome Linking with Cosmids and Yeast Artificial Chromosomes / Anthony Monaco

Session 2: Chromosome Structure

Human Telomeres / Howard Cooke

Structure-Function Analysis of Centromeric DNA in Fission Yeast / Louise Clarke

Molecular Studies of X-inactivation / Huntington Willard

The Long Range Genetic and Physical Mapping of Mouse Chromosomes / Steve Brown

The Structure of the Pseudoautosomal Boundary / Peter Goodfellow


Session 3: Reverse Genetic Cloning Strategies

Lessons from the Cystic Fibrosis Gene Search / Francis Collins

Molecular and Cytogenetic Studies of 22q11 / Beverly Emanuel

Isolation of Human Xq28 Within a Somatic Cell Hybrid by Fragile Site-directed Rearrangement: Application to Saturational Cloning and Genome Analysis / Stephen Warren


Session 4: Contiguous Gene Syndromes

Contiguous Gene Syndrome in the Xp21 Region / Uta Francke

Contiguous Gene Syndromes in the Distal Short Arm of the Human X-Chromosome / Andrea Ballabio

Identifying Human Genetic Disease by Map Position: Application of X-linked Opthalmological Disease / Robert Nussbaum

Organization of the WAGR Region / Gail Bruns

Molecular Dissection of the Miller-Dicker Lissenopholy Syndrome / David Ledbetter


Session 5: Origin and Mechanism of Chromosome Abnormalities

Parental Origin Effects: Imprinting and the Parental Origin of Chromosome Abnormality / Terry Hassold

Prader-Willi and Angelman Syndromes: Are Both Parental Contributions to Chromosome 15q11q13 Necessary for Normal Human Development? / Robert Nicholls

The Role of DNA Methylation in Mammalian Genome in Printing / Wolf Reik

Analysis of Non-Disjunction in Down's Syndrome and Ovarian Teratoma / Aravinda Chakravarti

Genetics of Genome Imprinting / Carmen Sapienza

Genomic Imprinting: Relecance for Human Diseases / Judith Hall

Repository Details

Part of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Archives Repository

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