Quantification of Occupational Cancer, 1981-03-29 - 1981-04-02
Scope and Contents
Varying viewpoints concerning the extent of the contribution of occupation to overall cancer incidence were presented against a background of epidemiological issues, study methods, statistical approaches, and cancer and chemical production trends. Precise evaluations were made about the role of asbestos exposure in lung cancer and mesothelioma incidence as well as radiation and lung cancer incidence,and the confounding factors of cigarette smoking and the healthy worker effect were considered. Industry-sponsored surveillance programs were discussed, as were classification systems, record linkage, exposure-based case-control studies, population-based large cohorts, and the use of standardized mortality ratios vs. proportional mortality ratios. A concluding roundtable explored the prospect of identifying high-risk groups and reducing cancer in industrial countries.
- Creation: 1981-03-29 - 1981-04-02
- Acheson , E. Donald (Person)
- Alderson, Michael R. (Person)
- Austin, Susan G. (Person)
- Axelson, Olav (Person)
- Beaumont, James J. (Person)
- Beebe, Gilbert W., 1912-2003 (Person)
- Bingham , Eula (Person)
- Blot, William J. (Person)
- Brochard, Patrick (Person)
- Cairns, John, 1923- (Person)
- Darby, Sarah C. (Person)
- Davis, Devra L. (Person)
- Demopoulos, Harry B. (Person)
- Enterline , Philip E. (Person)
- Epstein, Samuel S. (Person)
- Falk, Henry (Person)
- Gaffey, William R. (Person)
- Gardner, Martin J. (Person)
- Gottlieb, Marise S. (Person)
- Hirayama, Takeshi, 1923- (Person)
- Hoar, Sheila K. (Person)
- Hoerger, Fred D. (Person)
- Karrh, Bruce W. (Person)
- Karstadt, Myra (Person)
- Kneale, George W. (Person)
- Legator, Marvin (Person)
- McDonald, J. Corbett (Person)
- McElheny, Victor K. (Person)
- McMichael, Anthony J. (Person)
- Meikle, Jane G. (Person)
- Milham, Samuel, Jr. (Person)
- Monson, Richard R. (Person)
- Nelson, Norton (Person)
- Newill, Vaun A., 1923- (Person)
- Nicholson, William J. , 1930- (Person)
- Paddle, Geoffrey M. (Person)
- Peto, Julian (Person)
- Peto, Richard, 1943- (Person)
- Radford, Edward P. (Person)
- Ross, Charles E. (Person)
- Rosenberg, Harry M. (Person)
- Samuels, Sheldon W. (Person)
- Saracci, Rodolfo, 1936- (Person)
- Schneiderman, Marvin, 1918- (Person)
- Selikoff, Irving J. (Person)
- Siemiatycki, Jack (Person)
- Silverstein , Michael A. (Person)
- Sloan, Margaret H. (Person)
- Smith, Martha E. (Person)
- Stewart, Alice M., 1906-2002 (Person)
- Swartz, Joel B. (Person)
- Tulinius, Hrafn, 1931- (Person)
- Utidjian, Michael D. (Person)
- Warshauer, M. Ellen (Person)
- Watson, James D., 1928- (Person)
- Waxweiler, Richard J. (Person)
- Wen, Chi Pang (Person)
- Wong, Otto (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
Tapes have been digitized and are available for research in person at CSHL Archives.
18 Cassettes : Tape 1 Side 1: [0:37:04] Tape 1 Side 2: [0:45:40]; Tape 2 Side 1: [0:45:23] Tape 2 Side 2: [0:45:25]; Tape 3 Side 1: [0:45:30] Tape 3 Side 2: [0:39:36]; Tape 4 Side 1: [0:45:59] Tape 4 Side 2: [0:46:06]; Tape 5 Side 1: [0:45:18] Tape 5 Side 2: [0:45:18]; Tape 6 Side 1: [0:45:34] Tape 6 Side 2: [0:45:34]; Tape 7 Side 1: [0:45:22] Tape 7 Side 2: [0:45:23]; Tape 8 Side 1: [0:45:35] Tape 8 Side 2: [0:45:35]; Tape 9 Side 1: [0:45:16] Tape 9 Side 2: [0:45:18]; Tape 10 Side 1: [0:45:35] Tape 10 Side 2: [0:45:37]; Tape 11 Side 1: [0:13:52] Tape 11 Side 2: [0:45:35]; Tape 12 Side 1: [0:45:21] Tape 12 Side 2: [0:45:20]; Tape 13 Side 1: [0:45:25] Tape 13 Side 2: [0:45:23]; Tape 14 Side 1: [0:45:20] Tape 14 Side 2: [0:45:24]; Tape 15 Side 1: [0:45:37] Tape 15 Side 2: [0:45:37]; Tape 16 Side 1: [0:45:33] Tape 16 Side 2: [0:45:37]; Tape 17 Side 1: [0:45:23] Tape 17 Side 2: [0:45:23]; Tape 18 Side 1: [0:45:22] Tape 18 Side 2: [0:45:18]
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Session 1: Asbestos and Other Mineral Fibers
Proportion of Cancer Due to Exposure to Asbestos / Philip E. Enterline
Cancer among Shipyard Workers / William J. Blot and Joseph F. Fraumeni, Jr.
Trends in Mesothelioma Incidence in the United States and the Forecast Epidemic Due to Asbestos Exposure during World War II / Julian Peto, Brian E. Henderson, and Malcolm C. Pike
Mesothelioma as an Index of Asbestos Impact / J. Corbett McDonald and Alison D. McDonald
Cancer from Occupational Asbestos Exposure: Projections 1980-2000 / William J. Nicholson, George Perkel, irving J. Selikoff, and Herbert Seidman
Session 2: Radiation Risks, Animal Experiments
Analysis of Hanford Data: Delayed Effects of Small Doses of Radiation Delivered at Slow-dose Rates / Thomas F. Mancuso, Alice M. Stewart, and George W. Kneale
Radon Daughters in the Induction of Lung Cancer in Underground Miners / Edward P. Radford
The IARC Monograph Program on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans as a Contribution to the Identification of Occupational Carcinogens / Rodolfo Saracci
A Strategy for the Identification of Carcinogens in a Large, Complex Chemical Company / Geoffrey M. Paddle
Session 3: Industry-Wide Cancer Experience - Methodological Problems
Mortality Studies on Lung, Pancreas, Esophageal, and Other Cancers in Louisiana / Marise S. Gottlieb and Jean K. Carr
An Estimate of the Percentage of Occupational Cancer Among a Group of Rubber Workers / Richard R. Monson and Elizabeth Delzell
A Survey of Availability of Epidemiologic Data on Humans Exposed to Animal Carcinogens / Myra Warshauer, Ann G. Zauber, Jane G. Meikle, and Bonny R. Hart
Session 4: Cancer in the U.S.: Recent Trends and Proportion Due to Occupation
Estimating Cancer Causes: Problems in Methodology, Production, and Trends / Devra Lee Davis, Kenneth Bridbord, and Marvin Schneiderman
NCHS Data Resources for Studying Occupational Cancer Mortality / Harry M. Rosenberg
Session 5: Special Problems of Methodology
An Industry-sponsored Mortality Surveillance Program / Susan G. Austin
An Epidemiologic Study of Workers Potentially Exposed to Brominated Chemicals: With a Discussion of Multifactor Adjustment / Otto Wong
Quantification of Differences Between Proportionate Mortaity Ratios and Standardized Mortality Ratios / Richard J. Waxweiler, Marie K. Haring, Sanford S. Leffingwell, and William H. Halperin
Occupational Data Sets Appropriate for Proportionate Mortality Ratio Analysis / Jmaes J. Beaumont, Terry L. Leet, and Andrea H. Okun
A Population-based Cohort Study of Brain Tumor Mortality among Oil Refinery Workers with a Discussion of Methodological Issues of SMR and PMR / Chi Peng Wen, Shan Pou-Tsai, Nancy S. Weiss, William A. McClellan, and Roy L. Gibson
Session 6: Methodology
Epidemiology and Occupational Classification Systems / Sheila K. Hoar
Exposure-based Case Control Approach to Discovering Occupational Carcinogens: Preliminary Findings / Jack Siemiatycki, Michel Gérin, and Joseph Hubert
Guiding Experiences on the Etiology of Acute Myeloid Leukemia / Olaf Axelson, Ulf Flodin, Carl-Göran Anjou, and Olle Vikrot
The International Context of Carcinogen Regulation: Benidine / Sheldon W. Samuels
Proportion of Cancer Due to Occupation in Washington State / Samuel Milham, Jr.
Cancer Incidence and Occupations in an Area of Low Air Pollution / Hrafn Tulinius and Helgi Sigvaldason
Hepatic Angiosarcoma Registries: Implications for Rare-tumor Studies / Henry Falk and Peter J. Baxter
Session 7: Broad Approaches to Occupational Cancer Quantification
Differentiating Work from Life-style in Cancer Causation / Anthony J. McMichael
Towards Strategy for the Identification of Occupational Carcinogens in England and Wales- A Preliminary Report / E. Donald Acheson, Martin J. Gardner, and Paul D. Winter
Occupational Studies- The Use of National and Industrial Comparisons or an Internal Analysis / Michael Alderson
The Value of Contemportary Demographic Controls in Evaluating Cancer Incidence and Mortality Rates in Heavily Industrialized Urban Areas in the United States / Harry B. Demopoulos and Evelyn G. Gutman
Proportion of Cancer Attributable to Occupation Obtained from a Census, Population-based, Large Cohort Study in Japan / Takeshi Hirayama
Considerations for Designing a Large-scale Case-control Lung Cancer Study to Explore Occupational Cancer Risks / Richard Peto
Session 8: Future Needs
Long-term Medical Follow-up in Canada / Martha E. Smith
Needs for the Future: A Concluding Discussion / Rapporteur: Victor K. McElheny
Afterword / Richard Peto and Marvin Schneiderman
Name Index
Subject Index
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