Human Health Data From Defined Populations, 1979-10-28 - 1979-10-31
Scope and Contents
Combined genetic and epidemiological investigations of defined groups, a number of them with cancer rates markedly different from that of the general population (according to presentations at the conference) form an important tool for quantifying the impact on cancer rates of such factors as variations in food in the diet, content of water or other drinks, or cigarettes. The conference also heard much evidence that new tools, such as computerized construction of pedigrees of such groups as the Mormons, molecular biological techniques of constructing libraries of stretches of human genetic material, and operation of national death registries, show great promise for deepening knowledge of well-defined populations in search of preventive measures against cancer. Leading in the organization of the conference were John Cairns of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, Mill Hill Laboratories; J. L. Lyon of the Utah Cancer Registry; and Mark Skolnick of the University of Utah Medical Center.
- Creation: 1979-10-28 - 1979-10-31
- Cairns, John, 1923- (Person)
- Anderson, Elizabeth (Person)
- Bishop, Timothy D. (Person)
- Copley, Genrose D. (Person)
- Davern, Cedric (Person)
- Enstrom, James E. (Person)
- Fineman, Robert M. (Person)
- Gardner, Eldon J., 1909-1989 (Person)
- Gardner, John W. (Person)
- Hill, Jon R. (Person)
- Jordan, Elke (Person)
- King, Mary-Claire, 1946- (Person)
- Kinlen, Leo J. (Person)
- Lalouel, Jean-Marc (Person)
- Lotz, Terry M. (Person)
- Lyon, Joseph L. (Person)
- Martin, Alice O. (Person)
- McElheny, Victor K. (Person)
- Nance, Walter E. (Person)
- Parish, Sara (Person)
- Patterson, John E. (Person)
- Peto, Julian (Person)
- Phillips, Roland L. (Person)
- Rawson, Rulon W. (Person)
- Sigvaldason, Helgi (Person)
- Skolnick, Mark H. (Person)
- Sorenson, Ann W. (Person)
- Sparkes, Robert, 1930- (Person)
- Stanish, William M. (Person)
- Ward, Ryk H. (Person)
- Weiss, Kenneth M. (Person)
- West, Dee W. (Person)
- White, Raymond (Person)
- Williams, Roger R. (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
Tapes have been digitized and are available for research in person at CSHL Archives.
17 Cassettes : Tape 1: [1:04:36]; Tape 2: [1:04:39]; Tape 3: [1:02:52]; Tape 4: [1:04:23]; Tape 5: [1:04:32]; Tape 6: [1:04:28]; Tape 7: [0:26:40]; Tape 8 Side 1: [1:04:51] Tape 8 Side 2: [0:0:03]; Tape 9: [1:04:29]; Tape 10: [1:02:27]; Tape 11: [1:04:13]; Tape 12: [1:04:34]; Tape 13: [1:04:28]; Tape 14: [0:48:17]; Tape 15: [1:04:04]; Tape 16: [0:57:26]
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Section 1: Cancer Studies in Defined Populations
Cancer Risk and Life-Style: Cancer Among Mormons from 1967 to 1975 / Joseph L. Lyon, John W. Gardner, and Dee W. West
An Assessment of Cancer Risk: Factors in Latter-day Saints and Non-Latter-day Saints in Utah / Dee W. West
Methodology and Strategies for Nutritional Epidemiology Studies Using A Diet and Colon Cancer Model / Ann W. Sorenson
Health and Dietary Practices and Cancer Mortality among California Mormons / James E. Enstrom
Studies of Seventh-Day Adventists
Cancer Mortality among Comparable Members versus Nonmembers of the Seventh-day Advendist Church / Roland L. Phillips, Jan W. Kuzma, and Terry M. Lotz
Epidemiology and Risk Assessment
The Total Environment in the Epidemiology of Neoplastic Disease: The Obvious "Ain't Necessarily So" / Rulan W. Rawson
Discussion: Epidemiology and Cancer Prevention / John Cairns, Chairperson
Mortality in Relation to Absitence from Meat in Certain Orders of Religious Sisters in Britain / Leo J. Kinlen
Further Information on the Association of Childhood Leukemias with Atomic Fallout / Joseph L. Lyon, John W. Gardner, Dee W. West, and Lee Schussman
The Nonassociation of Fallout Radiation with Childhood Leukemia in Utah / John E. Enstrom
Section 2: Genetic Studies in Defined Populations
Relative Merits and Pitfalls of Strategies in Genetic Epidemiology / Jean-Marc Lalouel
Genetic Predisposition to Cancer / Julian Peto
The Value of Population-based Twin Registries for Genetic and Epidemiologic Research / Walter E. Nance
Analysis of Population Based Genealogies
Use of a Geneaologically Linked Data Base in the Analysis of Cancer in a Human Isolate / Alice O. Martin, Judith K. Dunn, and Bion Smalley
Human Health Data From Iceland / Helgi Sigvaldason and Hrafn Tulinius
The Laredo Epidemiology Project / Kenneth M. Weiss, Ranajit Chakraborty, William J. Schull, David L. Rossmann, and Susan L. Norton
The Utah Genealogical Data Base: A Resource for Genetic Epidemiology / Mark Skolnick
A Survey of Cancer Sites by Kinship in the Utah Mormon Population / Jon R. Hill
Establishment of a Birth Defects Registry with the Aid of a Genealogical Data Base / Robert M. Fineman and L.B. Jorde
A Population Perspective for Early and Familial Coronary Heart Disease / Roger R. Williams
Pedigrees and Blood Pressure: Genetic Epidemiology in a Migrant Isolate, Tokelau / Ryk H. Ward, Anthony B. Hooper, and Judith W. Huntsman
Analysis of High-Risk Pedigrees
Prevention and Cure for Hereditary Cancers / Eldon J. Gardner
Preliminary Analysis for Linkage of Glutamate-Pyruvate Transaminase and Breast Cancer Susceptibility in a Mormon Kindred / Mary-Claire King and D. Timothy Bishop
Analysis of the Genetic Predisposition to Cancer in Individual Pedigrees / D. TImothy Bishop and Eldon J. Gardner
Human Molecular Genetics
In Search of DNA Polymorphism in Humans / Raymond White
Numerical Considerations for Linkage Studies Using Polymorphic DNA Markers in Humans / D. Timothy Bishop and Mark H. Skolnick
Section 3: National Death Registries
The Establishment of a National Death index in the United States / John E. Patterson
Summary / Cedric I. Davern
Repository Details
Part of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Archives Repository
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