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Dr. Carol Greider Collection

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: CWG-2017-002

Content Description

Materials created by Carol Greider while she was a postdoc under Elizabeth Blackburn at UC Berkeley. Computer printouts, Correspondence, Course notebooks, Emails [printed], Graphs, Journal articles Laboratory Notebooks, Photographs, Reprints, Scientific Notes, X-rays films The materials were boxed in seven cubic boxes and five mailing boxes [(14 X 17 X 1] containing 17 Kodak Film boxes. Materials are in good condition. The laboratory notebooks have tabs indicating sections; however, many are missing. There was not an inventory within the boxes received

Acquisition Type



Dr. Carol Greider

Restrictions Apply



Box 1 Invitro Expt. Book 1-4 1984-1986 1. Lab Notebook 1/Invitro Expts, 1-8/ 1984-85 2. Laboratory Notebook 2/Invitro Expts. 8-25/1985 3. Laboratory Notebook 3/IV 26-55/FR 1-1/1985-1986 4.Laboratory Notebook 4 /IV 56-80/FR 16-41/RNA 1-21/ 1986 Box 2 Title: Box 2, Books 5-8 1986-1989 1. Laboratory Notebook 5/IV 81-85/FR 42-69/RNA 22-28/1986-1987 2. Laboratory Notebook 6/IV 86-91/FR 70-95 RNA 29-65/1987-1988 3. Laboratory Notebook 7/RNA 66-121/1988-1989 4. Laboratory Notebook 8/RNA 122-140/IV 97-123/FR 101-105/1989 Box 3 Title: Books 9 & 10 & Cloning/1989-91 1. Laboratory Notebook 9/1989-1990 2. Laboratory Notebook 10/1990-1991 3. Laboratory Notebook – Mutant/Telomerase RNAs/1988-1989 4. Laboratory Notebook No. # , “RNA Oligo” blots, Cloning/ 1987-1988 Box 4 Title: TLE and Early Notebooks/1984-1992 1. Laboratory Notebook 1: Mail from Cal/1990-1992 2. Laboratory Notebook 2: Yeast, Linear Plasmid/1988-1989 3. Laboratory Notebook: Telomere Cloning/ 1984 4. Laboratory Notebook: Telomere Length Expts. (Mammals) 1989 Box 5/Title: Rotation Notes & Group Meetings/1983-1989 1. Laboratory Notebook: RNA Folding/1987 2. Laboratory Notebook: Group Meetings/Monoclonal/1991-1994 3. Laboratory Notebook: C.W.G., Greider Rotation Notebook/1983 4. Laboratory Notebook: C.W.G., Rotation Notes, Blackbur/ Lab/1983-1984 5. Laboratory Notebook: Lab Meetings/1984-1987 6. Laboratory Notebook: Protein Gels/1987-1989 Box 6 Title: Methods Notebooks/1975-1989 1. Box: Carol W. Greider “Original Lazer (sp) Printed Copy Thesis PHD. Droped (sp) on floor out of order”/1983-1987 2. Course Notebook: Methods DNA II/1984-1987 3. Course Notebook: Methods III RNA/1979-1988 4. Course Notebook: Yeast/1989 5. Course Notebook: Methods Cloning/1975-1986 6. Course Notebook: Methods DNA/1976-1984 Box 7 Title: Class Notes, Berkeley/1983-1992 1. Notebook: C.W.G., Yeast Courses/1983 2. Notebook: No title/1984 3. Notebook: No Title Fall/1984 4. Notebook: No Title/1992 X-Ray/Films Box 1: C.W.G’s Films IV Experiments 3-14 IV, 1V 15-36, IV 36-72/1983-1984 1. C.W.G. Films IV 3-14 2. C.W.G. Films IV 15-36 3. C.W.G. Films IV 37-72 Box 2: RNA 79-122/RNA122-/Fr 1-33 IV 105-44 1. RNA 79-121 2. RNA 122- 3. C.W.G. fractionation films; FR 1-33 4. IV 105-IV 144 Box 3: RNA 1-78 & Posters 1. Posters 2. RNA 1-26 3. RNA 27-RNA 49 4. RNA 50-78 Box 4: FR 34 – 54 IV 73-105 1. Fr 34 – 54 2. IV 73 – 104 Box 5: Cloning Telomerase & Others 1. Stephanie Smith; Inhib. Assays C.W.G. 2. Taped to 3 Green tape Do Not Remove This Tape G-Banding 3. Taped to 2 cDNA attempts Cloning cDNAs 4. Cloning and Sequencing Films/Cloning and Sequencing RNA genes